10 Poses for Strong Arms

Featured on YogaJournal.com Yoga is an incredible way to build upper body strength and tone and sculpt all the muscles in the arms WITHOUT bulking up. When I lift weights I can create muscle mass quickly, so working out at the gym always made me feel bigger and more dense, rather than stronger and more confident in my body. It …

Cobra Pose: Step-by-Step Instructions

Featured on YogaJournal.com Lie prone on the floor. Stretch your legs back, tops of the feet on the floor. Spread your hands on the floor under your shoulders. Hug the elbows back into your body. Press the tops of the feet and thighs and the pubis firmly into the floor. On an inhalation, begin to straighten the arms to lift …

Baptiste Yoga: 10 Poses for Strong Abs

Featured on YogaJournal.com The core is the power source within the body, so strong abs are so much more than something to strive for in the summer. Powerful abdominal muscles support your everyday movements, improve your posture, and stabilize your lower back. On the mat, strong abs create more efficient movements throughout every pose. There is power in moving from …

Pillars of Power: Find Your Flow On + Off the Mat

Featured on YogaJournal.com Water is one of the most powerful substances and forces on earth, yet it’s graceful and gentle and glides around any obstacle. Flow, the fifth core pillar of Baptiste Yoga and the culmination or the combination of the first four pillars (drishti, breath, foundation, and heat), is the embodiment of the water quality. The Fifth Pillar of …

Pillars of Power: 4 Myths About Baptiste Yoga

Featured on YogaJournal.com Myth #1: Baptiste Yoga isn’t yoga because it’s so athletic. Baptiste Yoga is an athletic, dynamic style of power yoga that is deeply physical and therefore delivers results quickly. In Baptiste Yoga we talk about physicality, or the first entry being through the body. We live in such a fast-paced, stressed-out world and live in our heads …

Pillars of Power: 3 Ways the Breath Is Key in Baptiste Yoga

Featured on YogaJournal.com In my previous career, I worked on political campaigns and slept next to my BlackBerry. I was constantly living life in my head—I always had an eye on political blogs and what was happening outside of me. When I started practicing Baptiste Yoga, which is so deeply physical, it required me to stay connected to my breath …